Dr. Dee Ministries, Int'l
I Am Jesus
Have you ever been misunderstood by what you have said? Have you ever wondered why you were disliked or hated by others? Or have you ever been rejected by those you embraced and loved? Could it be, you are being rejected, hated, and misunderstood so that you can ultimately learn of your authentic self? There is a place for you in this world, but it is so important for you to seek the one who knows who you are. "I Am Jesus," will allow you to look into the Heart of Jesus and He will ultimately show you your true self and purpose in life.
I Am Jesus
10 Things God Expects
10 Things God Expects is written to strengthen, encourage and inspire its readers. Using passages and examples from the Bible, along with personal testimonies and experiences, the author explains basic principles and ways on living a Christian life. It is an easy-to-read text and is full of information, instructions, and prayers on the "how and why" in God's Kingdom. It will give the novice a greater handle on the keys and principles in God's Word; and Bible students, a firmer foundation and greater insight of His truths.
10 Things God Expects
A Heart In Need of Repentance
A Heart In Need of Repentance was written for us to take a look at our heart and see ourselves through the eyes of a loving, merciful and forgiving Father. John the Baptist said, "Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand…" In these last hours, God is calling you to repent. He is saying, if you call me, I will answer you and show you my great salvation. All you need to do is repent. And, except you repent, you will all likewise perish. The choice is ultimately yours.
A Heart In Need of Repentance
Freedom Verses
Poems of encouragement during times of discouragement.
Freedom Verses
Character lessons from the book of Judges.
Preparation Of Spiritual Warfare
A war is raging against the saints of God, but the victory has already been won. It is now up to the saints to become strong, fearless, and bold warriors. Pick up your weapons and put Satan under feet where he belongs!The harvest truly is great but the laborers are few (Luke 10:2).
Preparation Of Spiritual Warfare